SNCC aims to support and promote the advancement of knowledge in neurocritical care medicine and help to improve standards of multidisciplinary care to neurocritically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

To bring clarity, consistency, and transparency to the endorsement process SNCC has drafted this document. This document outlines the SNCC’s position and process on the development and endorsement policies.


1) For meetings/teaching program

2) For research/Studies/commercial/non-commercial trials

Policy for endorsement of meetings:

All scientific programs seeking endorsement must submit a preliminary or final program to SNCC that enlists the following:

  1. Host organization
  2. Names and affiliations of the program chairs
  3. Proposed topics with learning objectives identified
  4. List of invited/confirmed speakers.

Scientific committee members will review the submitted program.

Meetings will be judged on the following points:

  1. Educational and scientific values are consistent with the SNCC mission.
  2. The endorsement should be limited to scientific programs on neurocritical care or must include specific topics pertaining to neurocritical care.
  3. If the event is held in India, by any National Society or Scientific group, then at least two faculties from SNCC should be included in the scientific program. For outstation faculty from SNCC, travel and accommodation should be provided.
  4.  The endorsement shall not include any financial commitment or commercial events or conflicts of interest.


After approval of scientific programme from the Board, SNCC will give provide endorsement. 

SNCC will

  • Post announcement on the SNCC Website “Endorsed Meetings” page until the end of meeting.
  • Announce meeting to the SNCC members through blast emails / Axone newsletter.
  • Provide social media post promoting the endorsed meeting.
  • Provide slideshow promoting SNCC to the sponsoring organization for use during the meeting.
  • Provide “Endorsed By” SNCC logo to the sponsoring organization for inclusion in meeting flyers and all printed and digital literature.

Sponsoring Organization:

To ensure that all promotional materials of the meeting, printed and digital, have the SNCC endorsement logo.

Reciprocal Endorsement of Specialty SessionsSNCC will actively pursue to jointly endorse SPECIFIC meeting sessions with other organizations/Society.  This would entail a session of mutual interest in the SNCC Meeting that is clearly labelled as “Endorsed” by another society or organization in exchange for a session allotted to Neurocritical care in the partner organization’s meeting that is clearly labelled as “Endorsed” by SNCC.These collaborations will be coordinated by the Secretary of the SNCC during Quarterly Meeting with Executive Committee members and act as liaison to the partner organization.  Such collaborations are subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

Reciprocal endorsement of specialty sessions includes:

  • Announcement of partner meeting on the SNCC Meeting page
  • One (1) e-mail blast announcing the partner meeting to the SNCC members
  • Exchange of logos for use in flyers and promotional materials


Joint Meeting Sponsorship

SNCC will actively pursue opportunities to jointly organize and financially support medical meetings of mutual interest in reciprocity with other medical societies and organizations.   These collaborations will be negotiated by “teams” that include the SNCC President, Vice President, SNCC International Committee Chair (as appropriate), and other SNCC members designated by the President who can act as contact person with the partnering organization.  Joint meeting sponsorship is designed to be flexible; allowing needs to be matched with available resources and is based on transparency and reciprocity.  Principles of joint meeting sponsorship include:

  • Two or more SNCC members are involved in developing meeting content.
  • Two or more SNCC members are involved in presentations.
  • Funding by SNCC for meeting expenses or travel expenses for speakers is equally matched by the partner organization.
  • One team member from the Executive committee is designated by the SNCC President as being responsible for working out the details and co-drafting a letter of agreement.
  • Joint marketing involves equal placement of the SNCC logo with that of the partner organization.
  • Joint marketing efforts involving website placement, e-mail blasts, flyers and signage are the same as that for meeting endorsement (see above).
  • Details of the agreement will be drafted in a letter of agreement, which must be approved by SNCC’s Executive Committee.
  • The letter of agreement for joint meeting sponsorship requiring SNCC funding must be approved by a majority of the SNCC College Board.
  • All financial aid received for these joint meetings with other bodies should be disclosed beforehand and should be equally divided amongst both organizations. All financial benefits received from companies should be as per the norms of new NMC guidelines.
  • Applications for Joint meetings should reach the Secretariat at least 3 months prior to the main event.                 The joint meeting team is collectively responsible for selecting the names of invited speakers in collaboration with partner organization representatives, based on the needs and interests of the partner organization, speaker expertise, and the willingness and ability of the speaker to act as an ambassador for SNCC.


For Studies/Research work/ for writing guidelines

For studies/research which needs to be endorsed by SNCC

  1. The proposal should be focused on areas of interest of SNCC i.e. topics related to neurocritical care
  2. Detailed study Proforma needs to be submitted
  3. List of sponsors/consent
  4. Study Proforma presented in front of all board members/executive members, ethical clearance, CTRI registration
  5. Financial disclosure. The financial aid will be reviewed and final approval is subject to committee’s decision. The GST bill has to be provided. An undertaking must be taken between the SNCC and the researcher. If the researcher is a student, then the guide will be responsible for the financial aspects.
  6. Publication rights: the study once sent for publication should have a mention of endorsement by SNCC.
  7. The study proposal may be accepted or rejected by the board.