Society of Neurocritical Care (SNCC-India)

Society Registration No. S/RS/DW(SW)/314/2018, Society PAN. No. AAHAT0528J
SNCC: The Society of Neurocritical Care:
A Dedicated Society For Neurocritical care in India

A dedicated society created by a group of neuro-intensivists towards the management of neurocritical care patients.


The aim of this society is to promote best practices in the management of neurocritical care through
teaching, training, collaborative research and setting standards of clinical care instituted via international guidelines of best practice.


To ensure evidence-based standardised clinical care for all neuro-critical care patients’ across the country through the collective efforts of its members.


The society is based on the founding principle of improving patient outcome and safety through training, research, collaboration with international societies and setting benchmarks of best practice. The principles adopted are not laws but essentials of good professional behaviour based on honesty and integrity, which is expected from all members of this society. The primary goal of this document is to promote the highest quality of ethical standards and to reinforce the importance of professionalism expected of all members.


2.1. To improve the knowledge, skills and performance of all practitioners involved in the management of the neurosurgical/neurological patients by setting guidelines and benchmarks of best practice akin to international standards.

2.2. To strengthen the chain of survival by imparting evidence-based training and consolidating the management of the patient with neurological emergencies. The society will be responsible for the development and updating of specialized training requirements for neuro-critical care practice with the goal of ‘Educating to Save the Brain’

2.3 To conduct training and workshops with various hospitals, clinical organizations and any scientific/ medical body (society, committee, Association etc) falling under the purview of Medical Education.

2.4 To conduct fellowships in collaboration with partner hospitals, train individual trainees through certification and conduct various marketing activities like academic events, CMEs, Workshops, etc and participate at national level events to further enhance and develop the society.

2.5. To work towards affiliations from international and national societies of repute.

2.6. To work with the major teaching hospitals and centres of excellences to establish the criteria and mechanisms by which candidates completing workshops/certifications/ fellowship program will become certified in that subspecialty area and maintain their certification via regular examination process.

2.7. Additionally, this society will promulgate study and analysis of outcomes relative to neurocritical care subspecialty training and when necessary develop and monitor programs, for the growth of the society.

2.8 The society will enter multiple partnerships with the medical industry, pharmaceuticals and other service providers in the field of Neuro-critical care to develop the society and future of this field in the country

3.0 Code of Professional Conduct : (COPC)

3.1 SNCC is not a regulatory body nor does it adjudicate legal claims brought by patients, families, or any person. The COPC does not define or establish a community standard. The COPC is not intended, nor should it be used, to support a cause of action, create a presumption of a breach of legal duty, or form a basis for civil liability.

3.2 Members shall restrict their practice to what they are competent to deliver based on training, experience, and reasonably attempt to practice evidence-based medicine. Members shall be involved in continuing education activities in order to keep up-breast with new technology in neurocritical care. Additionally, they should pursue, obtain and maintain formal credentialing relevant to their area of practice.

3.3 If a member has concerns about the professional competence of a colleague, he or she is encouraged to raise such concerns with the individual. All members are also expected to follow the reporting requirements of their state’s or local jurisdiction’s professional practice standards.

3.4 All members shall strive to achieve the highest order of honesty and integrity in all matters related to the society.

3.5 All members shall aim to demonstrate thorough professional behaviour in all dealings with the society and its members or trainees.

4.0 Management of the Society :

4.1 The affairs of the society will be managed by the Core Committee of SNCC comprising of the following Office Bearers;

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Executive Committee

4.2 The 1st Office bearers, the founders of the society will be in office for 02 years. The following positions will be contested by a general election, after every 02 years:-

Vice President

4.3 The nominations for these above posts will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and only shortlisted candidates would be allowed to stand for the elections.

4.3 The founding 10 executive council members will remain in the post till 2 initial consecutive
terms to ensure survival, establishment and positive growth of the society.

5.0 Memberships :

The Society shall have three classes of members, designated as full, student, and honorary members.

(a) Life members. For eligibility as a full member of the Society an individual must be a physician, nurse, pharmacist, advanced practitioner, or other professional who has an interest in neurocritical care and/or participates in the management of critically-ill neurological patients.

(b) Student Members. For eligibility as a student member in the society an individual must be a physician, nurse, pharmacist, advanced practitioner, or other professional holding a residency or training position in neurocritical care setting who has demonstrated an interest in neurocritical care.

(c) Honorary Members. Honorary Members are those who, by reason ofprofessional qualifications and contributions to the field of neurocritical care are deemed worthy of such selection to membership of the Society.

5.1 Life Membership ; Rs 4500/-
5.2 Honorary Membership ; For Individuals with exemplary contribution to the field of Neurocritical Care
5.2 Student Membership : Rs 3000 /- with added benefits ( TBC)
5.4 Lifetime Overseas Membership : USD 75/-
5.5 Non-physician Membership (Indian) : Rs 1000/-
5.6 Non-physician Membership (Overseas) : USD 75/-


6.0 Membership Benefits :

6.1 Access to online resources
6.2 Access to quarterly newsletter
6.3 Subsidised registration fees in annual meeting of the society
6.4 Annual Two Travel Bursary for the members in training
6.5 Subsidised Medical Indemnity Insurance * (TBC)

7.0 Eligibility of Office Bearers :

7.1 President :

 Minimum 14 years clinical practice in neurocritical care & neuro-anaesthesia
 At-least 15 publications in peer reviewed journals [National and International]
 Membership of the SNCC for atleast 3 consecutive years
 Should have attended at least 2 meetings in last 3 years
 Good standing with their respective state/central registration body
 Forwarded by at-least 2 members of the SNCC (who themselves been in membership for 3 years)Duties:
 Shall chair and regulate the working of the general body.
 Shall chair and regulate the working of the executive council.
 Shall present the annual report to the General body.
 Shall preside over the proceedings of the annual conference.
 Shall call upon mid-term meeting as and when necessary.
 Shall represent the society in government dealings.
 Shall be responsible for discipline of the society.
 Shall coordinate the activities and functions of the sub-committee, if any
 Shall closely supervise the journal activities (financial and the quality of the articles).
 Shall closely coordinate the financiers of the association.
 Shall perform such other duties as provided in the bylaws.


7.2 Vice President :

 Minimum 10 years clinical practice in neurocritical care & neuro-anaesthesia
 At-least 10 publications in peer reviewed journals
 Membership of the SNCC for at-least 3 consecutive years
 Should have attended at least 2 meetings in last 3 years
 Good standing with their respective state/central registration body
 Forwarded by at-least 2 members of the SNCC (who themselves been in membership for 3 years)
 Duties:
 Shall chair and regulate the working of the general body.
 He/ She will be chairman of the scientific sessions of the annual conferences.
 He/ She will closely oversee the activities of the journal.
 He/ She will be responsible for the periodic release of the news bulletin in close cooperation with secretary.
 He/ She will be the spokesperson for the scientific activities.
 Will be directly responsible for the conduct of scientific proceedings of the annual conference.
 Will be responsible for ·all the responsibilities of the president in case of vacancy of the presidential post. This term will be for the remaining period. This however will not debar him/her for the automatic elevation to the post of resident in his/her own term.

7.3 Secretary :

 Minimum 09 years clinical practice in neurocritical care & neuro-anaesthesia
 At-least 05 publications in peer reviewed journals
 Membership of the SNCC for at-least 3 consecutive years
 Should have attended at least 2 meetings in last 3 years
 Good standing with their respective state/central registration body
 Forwarded by at-least 2 members of the SNCC (who themselves been in membership for 3 years)
 Duties:
 He/ She serves as official correspondent of the association.
 He/ She is directly and indirectly responsible for all the official matters of the association.
 He/ She will maintain the records of the membership of the association.
 He/She will maintain close liaison between the various functionaries of the association.
 He/She will be working in close association with the treasurer as a team.
 He/She will maintain the laws and by laws of the association and changes as approved by general body meeting will be informed and ratified by the register of the society, Delhi. In this regard he can take the help of the executive members located at Delhi.

 He/She will arrange for mid-term meetings if any in close liaison with the president.
 On behalf of the president, He/She will be guiding the Organising secretary of the annual meets.
 He/She will be keeping the members well informed with activities of the society through news letter in close association with VP.
 He/She will send the notice for election to various posts in month of September through a news letter defining the eligibility criteria and tenure.
 He/She will give due notice through news letter about the annual meets.
 He/She will maintain the minutes of general body meeting.
 He/ She will present the report of the association at the general body meeting.
 On vacancy of VP due to unforeseen circumstances he/she will officiate as VP.
 He/ She is the executive head of the association in activation, coordination of all activities of the association.
 To maintain an attendance register of the conference.
 To maintain attendance register of the general body meeting.
 To issue eligibility slip for voters during election.
 To arrange for conduct of elections.

7.4 Treasurer

 Minimum 09 years clinical practice in neurocritical care & neuro-anaesthesia
 At-least 05 publications in peer reviewed journals
 Membership of the SNCC for at-least 3 consecutive years
 Should have attended at least 2 meetings in last 3 years
 Good standing with their respective state/central registration body
 Forwarded by at-least 2 members of the SNCC (who themselves been in membership for 3years)

i. As a treasurer of the association it is his responsibility to maintain a record of receipts and
the expense of the society, duly audited by internal auditors and chartered accountants.
ii. He / She presents the duly audited account at the General body meeting.
iii. Financial year is 01 April to 31 March
iv. He/ She will maintain the account of all donations and gifts.
v. He/ She will submit the receipt of the subscription by members of the association.
vi. In case of unforeseen vacancy in treasurer the responsibility will be taken over by the secretary till a suitable arrangement is made by the president.

7.5 Executive Committee :

 Only members registered with the society for at least 1 year will be eligible to stand in the
general elections for the Executive Committee. The election would be open to all members
for voting via a secret ballot.

8.0 Disciplinary Committee :

8.1 Comprises of the following members and presides over all disciplinary matters. For
disciplinary matters involving any member of the disciplinary committee, the person or
persons shall be replaced by the patrons.
Vice President
Resignations and Removal of Office bearers.

(a) Any office bearer of the Society may resign at any time by giving written
notice to the President, or to the Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified
therein or, if no time be specified, then on delivery.

(b) Any or all of the office bearer may be removed for cause by vote of the full
members. Any or all of the directors may be removed without cause by vote of the full members.

9.0 Cessation/Termination of Membership :

9.1 The society reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member if they are found not to be in good standing with their respective registration bodies or if their actions or behaviour are against those that are expected of a person of responsible status in the society.

10.0 Meetings :

10.1 Core Committee meetings : At-least twice a year to start with then review.

10.2 General Body Meeting : At-least once a year. The first meeting to be held at inception of inception of the society.

10.3 Notice of Meetings.

10.4 (a) Written notice by any means including electronic communication, shall be given to each member, and such notice shall state the place, date and hour of the meeting. Notice of any Special Meeting shall also state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is being called.

10.5 (b) A copy of the notice of any meeting shall be distributed to members not less than ten nor more than sixty days before the date of the meeting to each member entitled to vote at such meeting.

10.6 (c) Notice of meeting need not be given to any member that submits a signed waiver of notice, in person or by proxy, whether before or after the meeting. The attendance of any member at a meeting in person or by proxy, without protesting prior to the conclusion of the meeting the lack of notice of such meeting, shall constitute a waiver of
notice by such member.

10.7 Annual Meetings. As soon as practical after each annual election of directors, the Office bearers shall meet for the purpose of organization and the transaction of other business. Notice of such meeting need not be given. Such first meeting may be held at any other time; and if it is held at another time, notice shall be given as hereinafter
provided for special meetings of the Office bearers.

10.8 Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Office bearers may be held without notice at such times as may be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Office bearers.

10.9 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Office bearers shall be held whenever called by the President. Notice shall be given orally, by telefax, by mail, or by email and shall state the purposes, time and place of the meeting. If notice is given orally, in person or by telephone, it shall be given not less than one day before the meeting; and if it is given by telefax, mail, or email, it shall be given not less than three days before the meeting.

10.10 Quorum and Adjourned Meetings. A simple majority of those in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of elections and ordinary business.

10.11 Quorum.

(a) A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(b) A majority of the directors present, whether or not a quorum is present, may
adjourn any meeting to another time and place without notice to any director.

Place of Meeting.

The office bearers may hold its meetings at the principal office of the Society,
or at such place or places or in electronic format from time to time by resolution determine.

11.0 Newsletter & Journal :

11.1 The aim is to publish a regular newsletter to disseminate information regarding simulation and training. This may graduate to a formal peer reviewed journal in the future as the society grows. For the above said purposes an Editor-in-Chief would be selected by the society through a formal recruitment process.


12.0 Finances :

12.1 . All members of the society are honorary members and are not on any payrolls of the society.

12.2 . A detailed account of all the funds received and allocated will be kept by the treasurer. There will be an annual audit of the accounts by an independent person or accounts company. Any financial matters arising are first reported to the disciplinary committee in the first instance.

12.3 . The signing authority for all financial matters rests with the President and the Treasurer.

12.4 All subscription monies received along with any external funding would be used towards organising meetings, training, workshops or other CME activities. No payments are made to any executive or faculty member of the society for time offered towards teaching, training or management activities.

12.5 The lifetime subscription rate is fixed at Rs 5000/- at present and is subject to revision by the society.

12.6 The membership of the candidates in training is subsidised. This again is subject to change by the society.

12.7 The maintenance of the official website and any incidental expenses incurred during the process of CME organisation is to be funded through the society budget.



13.0 Annual Report.

The Office bearers shall present at the Annual Meeting of members a report certified by a firm of independent public accountants selected by the board or verified by a majority of the directors, showing in appropriate detail the following:

(a) A summary of the assets and liabilities, including the trust funds, of the Society as of the end of the last fiscal year.

(b) Any significant changes in assets and liabilities, including trust funds, during said fiscal period.

(c) A summary of the revenue or receipts of the Society, both unrestricted and restricted to particular purposes during said fiscal period.

(d) A summary of the expenses or disbursements of the Society for both general and restricted purposes, during said fiscal period. This report shall be filed with the records of this Society and a copy thereof entered in the minutes
of the proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the members.


14.0 Books and Records.

There shall be kept at the office of the Society (1) correct and complete set of records of account, (2) minutes of the proceedings of the members, the Office bearers and the Executive Committee, (3) a current list of the directors and officers of the Society and their residence addresses, (4) a copy of these by-laws, (5) a copy of the Society’s application for recognition of exemption with the Internal Tax Service, and (6) copies of the past three years information returns to the Internal Tax Service.


Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed on resolution by majority of the Board. Such amendments shall be presented to the voting membership for electronic voting. The Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority of electronic votes received.